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A4Web Langenthaler.com Oberhardstrasse 20a CH-4900 Langenthal.eu Tel: 0041 62 922 54 92 a4web@outlook.de rufflestore@outlook.com rufflestore@outlook.de |
Above/below: a Meter about our Open-IT Medicinal- |
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Rufflesafe Ruffleshops pakets with double kernels (2x) (colored products here with own 12 Frontkernel Title-settings) by A4Web.de Sticker CMYK-pdf / Product list |
180 clockworks in 16.7 million colors can be purchased here - with own 9 Frontkernel Title-settings - 180 Uhrwerke in 16.7 Mio Farben sind hier zu kaufen | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
For 146,00 US$ EUR CHF
For 750,00 US$ EUR CHF Double Kernel 1 + Kernel 2 (Paket) Sticker CMYK-pdf
Scroll down please to see all BILLs in USD EUR CHF - look at the list below for all pdf! |
News aus dem Versandhaus: New components are everywhere (in all pakets with double kernels) included with the following files for programming the left titles own named titles of each title group and the titles of the right side in orange rectangle too: Title1.txt; Title2.txt; Title3.txt; Title4.txt; Title5.txt; Title6.txt; Title7.txt; Title8.txt; Title9.txt; (Title10.txt; Title11.txt; Title12.txt) Further developed+expandable by us: In the following three releases, the Global News code has just been implemented for temporary login on Android mobile devices: |
Upgrade while 2 years from the left product for 146,00 046 | 047 | 048 to below 049 | 050 | 051 for additional 400,00 US$ EUR CHF Look at delivery list for all colors here by this examples: Buy our 20-Years-Anniversary-Paket with Kernel 1 GitHub-Blue-colored and Kernel 2 19005 free-colored of you for
546,00 US$ EUR CHF Buy just both with both BILL for 546.00 US$ / 547.00 EUR 548.00 CHF-Fr.
From right side transfer an own article number as the following: 165 18005/9020 Blüten-rötlich Rufflesafe CHF-Cart (coming next) overwrite 162 with an higher number 162 to 198, and write the rest with the other colors on the rigt-side. Overwrite GitHub-Bill only in the correct Currency-Bill-QR-PDF. Overwrite there Total amount to US$546.-/EUR547.-/CHF548.- Productlist (below) Other Currency look at www.langenthal.eu |